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About & Contact

Welcome to Lincoln Middle School

On behalf of the staff, I want to welcome you to our Lincoln Middle School web site. It is our goal to ensure that all students have opportunities for social, emotional, and physical growth, as well as intellectual development.

We have high expectations for our students and will work hard to create an environment where they can excel. These expectations include those related to academic performance and student behavior. This is where we can use your help. I invite you to get involved in what is going on within our school and to communicate any concerns or ideas.

In addition to our daily announcements and information about after-school activities, bus routes, and athletics, we have included our student and parent handbooks on our site. These documents contain policies and procedures, as well as information about opportunities for our students to participate in a variety of programs. We urge parents to read this information thoroughly and to discuss it with your children.


145 West Street
Edwardsville, IL 62025


(618) 656-0485


Fax: (618) 659-1269

Office Hours

7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Attendance Hours

7:50 a.m. - 2:35 p.m.
(Wednesdays dismiss at
1:35 p.m.)